Ultrasound Consent Form

"*" indicates required fields


This is extremely important; the Doctor must be able to reach you if there is a question during the procedure.

Thank you for entrusting Best Friends Animal Hospital to perform a diagnostic ultrasound. Ultrasonography is a
non-invasive technique to image organs within the abdomen or chest. The area to be imaged must be shaved in
order to provide adequate imaging and minor irritation may occur to the skin as a consequence. Hair regrowth
generally takes multiple weeks to occur but can be more prolonged in certain pets.

The ultrasound is performed by a third-party certified ultrasound technician. A nurse or assistant will phone
when the testing is complete. The technician cannot legally provide any medical findings. Further, the results
typically are not available on the same day as the ultrasound. The images are sent to a board-certified
ultrasound radiologist and/or cardiologist for review. Your primary veterinarian will be contacting you with
results and treatment plan once the results from the radiologist are completed.

Light sedation is sometimes necessary to perform ultrasound, fine needle aspiration, and other diagnostic tests
to receive clear and accurate results, as even light panting can cause distorted images that may result in
misinterpretation. Sedation only lasts a few hours, but some patients that are more sensitive can remain quiet
until the following day.

Please initial if giving consent

I have received an estimate of the cost for the following procedure.*

If not, I want an estimate before the procedure is done.*

MM slash DD slash YYYY


  1. FOOD: No food after 8:00pm the night before ultrasound
  2. WATER: No water the morning of ultrasound
  3. Please bring your pet to the hospital between 7:30 and 8:00 a.m. the day of the procedure.
  4. If there is any change in the status of your pet before the scheduled ultrasound date, please call the office
    as soon as possible to alert the doctor – procedure may need to be rescheduled.

Exotic Animal Instructions: Do not withhold food. Continue regular feeding.

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.